Enjoying the simple moments and having a great time with the best people was Maël’s vision when planning the Local Freedom project. This year has been such a challenge and getting away from reality for few days was a blast. Maël and friends trekked to a refuge and skied all the lines around the cabin for four days, while unplugging from the outside world; no services, radio, or television – just a group of friends, mother nature, and great skiing.

Born and raised in Val d'Allos in the Southern Alps of France. Maël competes on the Freeride World tour and enjoys every single day outside of the slopes.
He quit the discipline for something more fun; freestyle skiing. He knew he always enjoyed powder days and Freeride experiences, so he made a comeback to competition on the FWQ circuit. In 2020 he won the overall FWQ and qualified for the Freeride World Tour which only selects the 24 best freeskiers in the world.
Now at the age of 27, he is happy to reach that goal and claim his place beside the best skiers in the World. He still enjoys every single day of skiing, spending most of his time at his home mountain of Val d'Allos with friends, but still travels the world in search of great skiing with friends.
It's #AlwaysGoodTimes to be on skis!
Preparation, journey, carrying heavy bags and arrival at the refuge - the beginning of a great adventure!
Arrival and settling in at the refuge, collecting wood for heat, making the bonfire on the first night. Enjoying the runs close to the refuge on perfect snow conditions.
Arrival and settling in at the refuge, collecting wood for heat, making the bonfire on the first night. Enjoying the runs close to the refuge on perfect snow conditions.
What a must for any skiers? Skiing an amazing powder field at the sunrise ... what a memory!
The best day of the trip? Ending the day with a sunset ride from another summit and getting back to the refuge by night.

Directed by Maël Ollivier
Produced by Solid Rusk, Julien Geay
Photography by VisualBy media, Valentin Bigi
Skiers: Maël Ollivier, Maud Ringwald, Pascal Follen

All the crew was equipped with Ripstick skis and Elan touring skins.
Maël and Pascal used the Ripstick 106 for enjoying great powder, Maud used the Ripstick 94W and had such good times! The filming crew was using Ripstick 96 because of lighter construction and getting into the filming position more efficiently.
“I took off and put back the skins 7 times in a day and it was still sticking perfectly to the base. Amazing!” Maël Ollivier